Gut Health Tips for Better Health

Gut Health Tips for Better Health
Next Health Staff
June 6, 2024

How to Improve Gut Health

The gut is known as “the key to overall health” as it does so much more than digest food. The gut is responsible for 90% of your serotonin production (the “happy hormone”), 50% of your dopamine production (the "feel-good hormone"), 75% of your immune system, promotion of healthy cholesterol, and so much more.

That is why when you are experiencing symptoms of poor gastrointestinal health (bloating, constipation, diarrhea), you often experience other bodily symptoms such as acne, low energy, mood imbalances, and others.

Read on for tips to nourish a healthy gut and enhance your overall health:

Gut Health Diet

Here's your roadmap to a healthier gut through smart eating choices:

Gut Health Foods

Probiotic-Rich Foods

Probiotics are live strains of bacteria that support the population of good bacteria in your gut. Examples of probiotic-rich foods include:‍


Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria. This fermentation process promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, which help heal the gut. In addition to being rich in probiotics, sauerkraut contains in vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, sodium, iron, and potassium.‍Kimchi, pickles, and other fermented vegetables also help support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.‍


Yogurt is considered one of the best sources of probiotics. Milk in yogurt is fermented by probiotics (typically lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria). Yogurt can even be beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant because some of the lactose in the milk is converted to lactic acid by bacteria, meaning it may not elicit an inflammatory reaction.‍It is important to note that not all yogurt contains live probiotics and some yogurt is full of refined sugar, doing more harm than good for the gut. Make sure to choose yogurt with live or active probiotic cultures.‍


Miso is a Japanese seasoning that is typically made by fermenting soybeans with salt and koji (a type of fungus). Miso is also made by mixing soybeans with barley, rice, and rye. This paste is then used in a miso soup, which is popular for breakfast in Japan as it preps the gut with live probiotics for the day ahead. Additionally, miso soup is a great source of protein and fiber along with vitamin K, manganese, and copper.

But did you know your probiotics are reliant on prebiotics?

Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that fuel the growth of good bacteria and stimulate growth among pre-existing beneficial bacteria:‍

Prebiotic-Rich Foods


Garlic is a great prebiotic food as it contains inulin, a non-digestible carbohydrate that is a great food source for beneficial bacteria. Additionally, garlic is antimicrobial and an antioxidant, meaning it helps combat harmful bacteria and assists in flushing out toxins.‍


Apples are rich in fiber, particularly pectin, a soluble fiber. Pectin is known to have prebiotic qualities and support gut health. It is important to keep the skin on the apple in order to receive these benefits.‍Apples are also great sources of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, manganese, and copper.‍


Onions are versatile and easy to incorporate into a number of dishes to fulfill your need for prebiotics. Onions, like garlic, are rich in inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS). FOS fuel gut microflorae, help break down fats and increase the nitric oxide production in cells, which boosts immune function.‍Onions are also rich in quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.‍

Other Gut-Healing Foods Include:


Bone broth


Chicory root

Sweet potato






Supplements for Gut Health

Next Health CEO & Founder, Dr. Darshan Shah, has formulated custom supplement stacks for specific health goals such as gut health. The Gut Health Boost stack includes probiotics and magnesium glycinate:


Probiotics replenish beneficial bacteria in your gut, bolstering immunity and aiding digestion. They promote a balanced gut microbiome, reducing gastrointestinal issues and supporting overall well-being.

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate relaxes digestive muscles, easing discomfort like cramping and bloating. Its anti-inflammatory properties aid gut healing, optimizing digestion and promoting gut comfort.

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Vitamins for Gut Health

Glutamine is one of the most important nutrients for gut health because it helps heal your gut and intestinal lining.

The Next Health Gut IV is formulated with Glutamine to deliver this powerful nutrient directly to your bloodstream.

At Next Health, every IV begins with lactated ringers, a hydrating blend of fluids and electrolytes, combined with our signature multivitamin base, known as the Myers Cocktail. This potent blend includes essential vitamins and minerals to replenish and revitalize your body.

But that's not all. With our IV therapy, you receive more than just a standard infusion. In addition to the Myers Cocktail base, each IV contains:

  • Vitamin C IV
  • Magnesium IV
  • Plus zinc, chromium, copper, and calcium - all in one convenient drip.

We're committed to enhancing your IV experience further by tailoring additional vitamins and minerals to suit your specific wellness goals, whether it's boosting immunity, promoting skin health, optimizing metabolic function, or addressing other health objectives.

Reserve Gut Health IV

Worst Foods for Gut Health


Bacteria, mainly pathogenic bacteria, are proven to be fueled by sugar. For example, yeast does not feed on yeast, it feeds on sugar. Despite the importance of avoiding sugar, especially refined sugar, the United States Department of Agriculture reports that the average American consumes between 150 to 170 pounds of refined sugars in one year.‍


GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, contain an herbicide (glyphosate) that upsets the balance of bacteria in the gut. This is not surprising considering that herbicides are designed to kill bacteria. Glyphosate is shown to not only reduce levels of healthy bacteria, but fuel the growth of harmful bacterial strains.‍


Studies show that gluten can upset the balance of your gut even if you do not have a gluten sensitivity. Most gluten products in the United States contain amylase trypsin inhibitors (ATIs), which can cause an inflammatory immune response.‍Inflammation in the gut can lead to increased permeability of the intestinal lining, allowing toxins, food particles, and other harmful substances to enter the bloodstream. This is called “leaky gut syndrome.”‍


Frequent alcohol consumption is another contributor to gut dysbiosis. This is due to the same reasons as sugar because harmful bacteria in the gut can feed off the high sugar content of alcohol. Alcohol can also cause leaky gut syndrome as it increases intestinal permeability.‍

Test Your Gut Health

As a detailed overview of over 125 markers, the Next Health Gut Health package provides insight on which healthy foods may be causing inflammation, and reveals micronutrients you may be deficient in.

  • Wheat Sensitivity (Gut Microbiome) Test
  • Food Sensitivity Test
  • Micronutrient Test

If you suffer from brain fog, low energy, restless sleep, joint pain, acne or rashes, or digestive issues, it’s a great idea to test the health of your gut.

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Ozone Therapy for Gut Health

For those looking for a next-level way to improve their gut health, consider Ozone Therapy. As a whole-body, anti-inflammatory service, Ozone Therapy may be an excellent way to reduce gut-related inflammation:

  • Reduce bloating and digestive discomfort
  • Heal and repair intestinal lining
  • Resolve other symptoms such as acne, low energy, and more

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