The Importance of Nutrition: Navigating the Latest Diet Trends

Understand the importance of nutrition and how to navigate the latest diet trends. Discover how proper nutrition supports optimal health. Read to learn more.

The Importance of Nutrition: Navigating the Latest Diet Trends
Next Health Staff
December 6, 2023

Nutrition is arguably the first component of health and wellness. For all of human existence, we have understood we need food for survival. Nourishing our bodies is one of our most primal instincts.

Over time, we began to recognize the true value of food as cultures developed herbal and natural remedies as a form of medicine for healing. Unfortunately, as society developed and modern advancements prioritized convenience, the way in which we nourished our bodies changed. Packaged and processed foods became the norm and we became further removed from where our food came as Americans consume 31% more packaged food than fresh food. Moreover, according to the CDC, less than 10% of American adults and adolescents eat enough fruits and vegetables.

What we eat is often not a priority in our daily lives. We grab a bag of chips when we want a quick snap. We microwave frozen dinners after a long day. All of this to say, many of us eat to feel full and not to feel nourished.

Eating to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs can be a daunting endeavor. There is a lot of (mis)information out there about the newest “superfood,” what fad diet will change your life, and hundreds of “expert” voices out there telling how you should rework your diet.

In this article, we simplify and highlight the importance of quality nutrients, how to get them, and what voices to follow in the nutrition industry:

The Importance of Our Food

There has been a campaign to get Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables for decades. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” “eat your greens,” and other common sayings have emphasized the importance of fruits, vegetables, and raw foods in your diet.

Such foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that keep our cells functioning optimally.

Industry experts such as Dr. Hyman, American physician and New York Times bestselling author, articulates the importance of such raw, natural foods stating that "About 70 to 80% of your diet should be plant foods," like “vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruits.” In other words, the less packaged food you eat, the better. If you’re looking for a trusted voice to follow as to how to effectively fuel your body, Dr. Hyman is a great option. He has numerous resources that keep eating healthy simple, such as his book, Eat Fat, Get Thin.

Another excellent resource is nutritionist Mona Sharma, who is a leader in the health and wellness industry. She champions a holistic approach to health with food being a medicine to the body. Sharma specifically focuses on the ways in which our gut impacts our health as it is integral to all bodily systems. When food acts as an irritant to our gut causing inflammation, the well-being of all bodily systems may be compromised.

A Lack of Nutritious Food

Despite the importance of healthy, whole foods in our diet, we cannot stop there. This is because, according to a growing body of research, our food is not as nutritious as it used to be. Due to a variety of factors, fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today.

Rising carbon dioxide levels are one of the reasons experts believe our food is losing nutrients. One study compared today’s crops with historical specimens and found that levels of all minerals, including zine, iron, and calcium decreased as carbon dioxide exposure increased.

Moreover, Science Advances published a study that concluded essential nutrients in 18 strains of rice decreased after being exposed to increased levels of carbon dioxide. Specifically, levels of B vitamins, which are essential for energy production, dropped by as much as 30%.

Another large contributing factor to this problem is modern farming methods that result in the overuse of soil and subsequent mineral depletion. This problem is exacerbated by high-yield varieties being more profitable, which commonly sacrifices nutrition for size.

As a result, according to the Global Hunger Index, over two billion people worldwide suffer from “hidden hunger,” where they are eating enough calories yet are malnourished.

In the US specifically, more than half of the population suffer from a lack of quality nutrients:

  • 94.3% of the US population do not meet the daily requirement for vitamin D
  • 88.5% lack optimal intake of vitamin E
  • 52.2% do not get enough magnesium
  • 44.1% lack healthy intake of calcium
  • 43.0% have suboptimal intake of vitamin A,
  • 38.9% do not get enough vitamin C

However, in a world where we are overworked, stressed, lacking sleep, and regularly exposed to environmental toxins, we need quality nutrients more than ever.

How Do I Know If I Have A Vitamin Deficiency?

As mentioned above, symptoms of vitamin deficiencies often go unaddressed as they start off as minor annoyances.

Common symptoms of a vitamin deficiency include:

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Hair loss
  • Skin rashes and irritation
  • Frequent occurrence of colds/sickness

To check if you suffer from a vitamin deficiency and take your health to the next level, our medical experts recommend advanced Micronutrient Testing.

What Is Micronutrient Testing?

Micronutrient Testing ensures the smaller details of your health journey such as vitamin deficiencies are not holding you back.

Micronutrient Testing is detailed blood testing that measures the cellular function of specific vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids within your cells. It can be used to determine specific micronutrient deficiencies to guide dietary and supplementation protocols.

This data, with medical guidance, empowers you to proactively take charge of your health and improve the way you look and feel.

Filling In Your Nutritional Gaps

Once the gaps in your diet have been identified, you can tailor supplementation and other advanced medical services to address your unique needs.

Next Health has teamed up with FullScript, an online dispensing platform of high-quality supplements. These pharmaceutical-grade supplements can ship straight to your front door so you can enhance your health from the comfort of your home.

For those looking to take their health to the next level, consider IV Therapy.

IV Therapy ensures maximum absorption of essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, guaranteeing the real results you’ve been looking for. By delivering powerful vitamins and nutrients directly into your bloodstream through IV therapy, your body can effectively utilize these building blocks to supplement your modern diet.

All the nutrients in IV Therapy are administered to the body through water as a medium. As a result, in addition to receiving a variety of vitamins and minerals, IV Therapy quickly and effectively hydrates the body. Normally, when we drink water, it takes a while for it to be absorbed and utilized by the body. With IV Therapy, water and nutrients bypass the stomach and go straight into the bloodstream.

Also, all Next Health IVs use the Myers’ cocktail as a powerful base that contains a potent blend of hydrating electrolytes, vitamins, amino acids, and more.

All you have to do is sit back and enjoy top-tier vitamin therapy from the comfort of our modern, vibrant IV Lounge. You can work on your laptop, read a book, or just relax amongst our vibrant atmosphere. Our wellness experts will monitor your entire experience, so feel free to ask them any questions you may have.

You can even drip from home and a Next Health medical professional will bring this advanced service right to your front door in the Los Angeles area.

Contact Next Health today to book an appointment or to speak to one of our trained staff members for more information.

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