Next Health

Aesthetic Services in Studio City

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We all want to look our best, but time takes an inevitable toll on our appearances. The signs of aging, ranging from hyperpigmentation to wrinkles to sagging skin, are tough to ignore when we look in the mirror.

That’s why Next Health offers aesthetic services at our Studio City location.

Next Health’s aesthetic services are non-invasive, non-surgical, and comfortable for all. Whether you need wrinkles softened or sunken areas filled in, our Studio City location has the right aesthetic service for you.


What Are Next Health’s Aesthetic Services?

At Next Health, we know that wellness is more than just how you feel on the inside; it’s also how you look on the outside.

But we also know that invasive, time-consuming aesthetic treatments and surgeries aren’t right for everyone. In many cases, such services may also lead to long-term side effects.

That's why we offer a range of aesthetic services, each of which is designed to be non-invasive. These non-invasive treatments are designed to help you look and feel your best while reducing the likelihood of side effects and discomfort.

Our aesthetics services use the latest technological innovations in regenerative and cosmetic medicine. Through our aesthetic services, we can help you:

  • Regain your youthful appearance
  • Look naturally beautiful
  • Optimize your skin health

Even better, Next Health’s aesthetic services are each customized for your specific anti-aging or beauty needs. We’re dedicated to maximizing your results and ensuring that you walk away from an aesthetic services appointment completely satisfied.

Next Health’s Studio City location (and all other Los Angeles locations) offers the following aesthetic treatments and services:

  • Volumizing fillers. This helps to counteract decreasing collagen levels as we get older. Next Health’s volumizing filler treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid, a popular moisturizer and natural compound made by your skin cells, underneath the skin. This fills in any sunken areas and helps to restore lost skin volume. Your skin will look tighter, smoother, and more youthful than before
  • Wrinkle relaxers, including Botox and Dysport. These proven wrinkle relaxers can soften muscle movements that lead to the signs of aging, like crows’ feet or wrinkles. It’s an effective and safe anti-aging treatment that takes just a couple of minutes from start to finish. Clients may see benefits for between three and four months.
  • Laser treatments, which are completely non-invasive. These laser treatments at Next Beauty leverage modern laser technologies to get rid of skin imperfections like aging spots. They may also help erase sun damage.
  • Skin tightening treatments through Venus Smooth. Next Health’s skin tightening treatment helps counteract lost collagen by reducing the signs of aging and filling in any sunken areas. We also offer painless and non-surgical face contouring procedures to soften or remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face.
  • Platelet-Rich-Plasma Hair & Face Injections: Platelets are colorless blood cells that are crucial in the body’s healing process as they are packed with powerful nutrients and growth factors that aid in blood vessel growth and collagen production. By injecting PRP into areas of aging skin or thinning hair, you can restore youthful volume and hair growth. 
  • PRP Microneedling: Similar to PRP injections, Microneedling with PRP allows for absorption of platelet-rich plasma by deeper levels of the skin, which offers the benefits of delivering proteins into the skin that supports cell growth and supple, healthy skin. 

How Does It Work?

It all begins with Next Health’s Visia skin analysis service. Visia skin analysis leverages unique and advanced scanning technology. It analyzes your current skin health and creates an optimized, customized skin treatment plan and beauty optimization recommendation just for you.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to maximizing your aesthetic beauty, this is a great place to begin!

However, our staff members may also offer recommendations and help you maximize your aesthetics. The staff members who perform our aesthetic services are trained and qualified beauticians or aestheticians, so they’re well equipped and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


What Are the Benefits of Next Health’s Aesthetic Services?

Aesthetic services from Next Health are comfortable procedures that may lead to important benefits in your day-to-day life, including:

It’s tough to feel your best when you don’t look your best. But when you sign up for aesthetic services from Next Health Studio City, you’ll look younger and more confident than ever before. Aesthetic services may be beneficial for:

  • Those looking to minimize some of the signs of aging, like wrinkles
  • Those who wish to boost their self-confidence
  • Those who wish to reinforce or fix previous aesthetic treatments without invasive surgical procedures

What Can I Expect at Next Health’s Studio City Location?

Next Health’s Studio City location is conveniently located at The Shops at The Sportsman’s Lodge, a well-known and historic hotel in Studio City. This new location was designed for safety and comfort first and foremost, and clients can expect safe social distancing practices if needed at the time of their appointments.

The Shops offer a range of shopping and dining venues before or after your appointment. Since Next Health’s aesthetic services treatments are non-invasive, you can expect to get right back on your feet and enjoy the SoCal sunshine after your appointment is complete.



At Next Health Studio City, you don’t have to worry about invasive surgical procedures or aesthetic services that come with side effects.

Next Health’s aesthetic services are comfortable, safe, and effective. You can contact us today by phone or online and set up an appointment at our Studio City location now.



Improving self-esteem by improving physical attractiveness | NCBI

Collagen | The Nutrition Source | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health

The hype on hyaluronic acid | Harvard Health